Handmade Music所属アーティスト
2000年結成。沖縄県うるま市出身。グループ名の「HY」は、彼らの地元・東屋慶名(Higashi Yakena) の地名が由来。 現在も沖縄に在住し、インディーズにて全国・世界へと音楽を発信している。4人の活動はもっと地域(LOCAL)に密着し、世界(GLOBAL)へ。
Formed in 2000. Uruma City, Okinawa Prefecture ... The analysis name "HY" is the place name of Keimei Toya (Keina Higashiya). To the activities of four people, to the region (LOCAL), to the world (GLOBAL)
2005 年結成。日本語の響き、美しさを大切にした文學的な歌詞、その世界を彩る緻密に計算されたアレンジ、スリーピースでありながら、その限界を遥かに超えたサウンドを持つ。アニタイアップも数多く手掛け、その作品に寄り添った楽曲は国内外問わず評価が高い。海外展開も視野に入れて活躍中。
Formed in 2005. The sound of Japanese, the literary lyrics that value beauty, the carefully calculated arrangements that color the world, and the sound that goes far beyond its limits while being a three-piece. He has also worked on many anitai-ups, and the songs that are close to the work are highly evaluated both in Japan and overseas. Active with a view to overseas expansion.
Formed in 2020. Born in Hakodate, Hokkaido. The "name" is not something that originally exists, but is given when humans recognize each as an object to be individually grasped. Many will notice this contradiction when they hear our band name. What is an "individual"? Our music may be a catalyst for thinking